Strengthen your PasswordYou're using a strong Password
","dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"change-passcode","content":{"text":"Update Password","text1":"Having a strong Password and changing it frequently is a powerful defense ","text2":" against hackers.","text3":"See how to create a strong Password","text4":"You last changed your Password on","changePasscode":"Change Password","Info_Icon":""},"data":{"bactmln":"Change your Password"}},{"label":"
Enhance your browser loginYou've enhanced your browser login
","dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"enhance-browser-sign-in","class":"enhanceBrowserSignInPanel","content":{"alertHelp":"Enabling an extra level of security when using your browser to log in to Online Banking increases protection of your personal and financial information.","tip":"TIP: ","tipText":"You need to ","tipAlert":"save your User ID","tipAlert_msg":" in order to use Digital ID or Windows Hello.","digitalIdTitle":"Digital ID","digitalId_msg":"You'll be asked to verify your identity using our Mobile Banking app when you log in using your computer or desktop browser.","windowsHelloTitle":"Windows Hello","windowsHello_msg":"You'll be asked to verify your identity on your Windows Hello device when you log in using your computer or desktop browser.","alertsButton":"Activate alerts","OptionalgoToAlerts":"On Btn","digitalIdToggleSwitch":{"id":"toggle-switch-siblings-digital-id","showLegend":false,"class":"single-class-switch","name":"digital-id","switches":[{"labelChecked":"Toggle On Digital ID","labelUnchecked":"Toggle Off Digital ID","value":"digital-id","checked":false,"class":"digital-id-class","id":"digitalIdToggle"}]},"windowsHelloToggleSwitch":{"debug":true,"id":"toggle-switch-siblings-windows-id","showLegend":false,"class":"single-class-switch","name":"windows-hello-id","switches":[{"labelChecked":"Toggle On Windows Hello","labelUnchecked":"Toggle Off Windows Hello","value":"windows-hello","checked":false,"class":"windows-hello-class","id":"windowsHelloToggle"}]}},"data":{"bactmln":"Enhance your browser login"}},{"label":"
Download our Mobile Banking app
","dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"mobile-banking-app","content":{"text1":"Take advantage of our Mobile Banking app, where you can monitor your account anytime from almost anywhere.","infoText":"Log in to our Mobile Banking app after downloading in order to move your security meter higher.","mobileAppButton":"Get the app","successheading":"You're using our Mobile Banking app","successDetail":"Help keep your info secure by enhancing your mobile app login with biometrics and setting up alerts that keep you informed in the event we notice unusual account activity.","mobilesappSuccess":"","Info_Icon":""},"data":{"bactmln":"Download our Mobile Banking app"}},{"label":"
Enhance your mobile app login
","dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"enhance-mobilesignin","content":{"text1":"Enabling biometrics like Touch ID or Face ID upgrades your overall internet safety.","text2":"Learn more about biometrics","enhancedMobileAppLabel":"You've enhanced your mobile app login","mobileAppButtons":"Get the app","activate":"See how to activate"}},{"label":"
Enhance your two-factor authentication
","dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"enhance-u2f","content":{"text1":"Requiring an additional piece of information for verification helps protect you in the event your User ID and/or Password are compromised. ","text2":"Learn more about two-factor authentication","text3":"We automatically verify your identity via two-factor authentication at various points in your Online Banking and Mobile Banking app experience.","text4":"Enhancing your two-factor authentication means we will verify you every time you log in to Online Banking or the Mobile Banking app.","authenticatedText":"We will verify your identity every time you log in to Online Banking or the Mobile Banking app.","text5":"TIP: ","text6":"Make sure your email and phone number are current ","text7":"so that we have no problem sending you your code. Remember: Your code is confidential. Never share it with others.","MTGEnrolledText":"Because you've enabled","MobileTokenLink":"mobile tokens,","MTGEnrolledText1":"we will verify your identity by sending you a code in our Mobile Banking app.","USBEnrolledText":"Because you've enabled a","USBKeysLink":"USB security key,","USBEnrolledText1":"you will verify your identity using the hardware that plugs into your computer's USB port.","EnableAuthentication":"Enable authentication","Info_Icon":"","enhancedLabel":"You've enhanced your two-factor authentication","unEnhancedLabel":"Enhance your two-factor authentication","enableAuthenticationCheckbox":{"checkboxes":[{"label":{"text":"Enable authentication","adaText":"Enable authentication"},"checkbox":{"attrs":{"id":"enableAuthenticationCheckbox","value":"enableAuthenticationCheckbox","name":"enableAuthenticationCheckbox","aria-hidden":false}}}]},"enableAuthenticationToggleSwitch":{"debug":true,"id":"toggle-switch-siblings-enable-auth","showLegend":false,"class":"single-class-switch","name":"enable2f-auth-id","switches":[{"labelChecked":"Toggle On Enhance2FAuth","labelUnchecked":"Toggle Off Enhance2FAuth","value":"enable2f-auth-id","checked":false,"class":"enable2f-auth-class","id":"enableAuthenticationCheckbox"}]}},"data":{"bactmln":"enhance two-factor auth"}},{"label":"
Review your contact information
","dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"contact-info","content":{"text1":"Keeping your mobile number and email address up to date means you can receive notifications in the event we notice unusual account activity.","authenticatedText":"If you change your mobile number or email address, be sure to update your account profile so you can receive notifications in the event we notice unusual account activity.","text2":"You last reviewed your info","Review_Button":"Review","Update_Button":"Update","Info_Icon":"","viewedLabel":"Your contact information is up to date"},"data":{"bactmln":"Review your contact information"}},{"label":"
Go paperless
","dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"go-paperless","content":{"text1":"Paperless statements help prevent identify theft resulting from lost or stolen mail. You'll get an email when a statement or document is available to view online.","authenticatedText":"You're helping prevent identify theft resulting from lost or stolen mail. You'll get an email when a statement or document is available to view online.","Paperless_Button":"Go paperless","Review_Button":"Review settings","Info_Icon":"","viewedLabel":"You've gone paperless"},"data":{"bactmln":"Go paperless"}},{"label":"
Set up alerts and notifications
You have {1} of {2} features completeYou've set up alerts and notifications
","dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"alerts-notifications","content":{"alertHelp":"We monitor your account activity and automatically notify you when we see something suspicious. Some","alertHelpMsg":"You can increase your security by setting up the following optional alerts and notifications.","confirmAlert":" Confirm where you want alerts sent","tip":"TIP: ","tipAlert":"View your Alerts History","tipAlert_msg":" to see past alerts. You can see your push notification history in the mobile app.","securityAlertTitle":"Security alert: New device login","securityAlert_msg":"You can turn on an alert that lets you know when a new computer or mobile device logs in using your User ID.","securityAlerts":" security alerts","securityAlerts_1":" are sent automatically and cannot be turned off.","checkingAlertsTitle":"Checking/savings account alerts","checkingBalance":"Know when a transaction over a certain amount is made, when a transaction takes place outside the U.S. and more.","creditAlertsTitle":"Credit card alerts","creditAlertsMsg":"Know when a transaction over a certain amount is made, when your card is used outside the U.S. and more.","mobileTitle":"Mobile push notifications","mobileMsg":"Get messages about your accounts sent directly to your mobile device.","mobileMsg1":" See how to activate","alertsButton":"Activate alerts","OptionalgoToAlerts":"Go to Alerts","getappButton":"Get the app","on_button":"ON","off_button":"OFF","editLink":" Edit settings","editAlerts":"Edit alerts","optionalAlertSuccessSubHeading":"We’ll let you know when a new computer or mobile device signs in using your User ID. You can edit your settings for this alert anytime.","checkingSuccessSubHeading":"Edit your alert settings anytime so you know what’s going on with your account and can take action when needed.","creditCardSuccessSubHeading":"Edit your alert settings anytime so you know what’s going on with your card and can take action when needed.","success_Icon":""},"data":{"bactmln":"Alerts and notifications"}},{"label":"
Set up online payments
You have {1} of {2} features completeYou've set up online payments
","dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"online-payments","content":{"heading":"Online payments are safe and secure—and there's no risk of checks being lost or stolen and used for ID theft purposes.","zelleTitle":"Zelle®","billPayTitle":"Bill Pay","digitalWalletTitle":"Digital wallet & virtual card","onlinePaymentTitle":"Payments and invoicing","onlinePaymentText":"Enroll and help reduce the security risks that come with paper payments and invoices.","onlinePaymentSucessSubHeading":"By using digital payments, you're helping to reduce the security risks that come with paper payments and invoices.","zelle":"Safely send and receive money with no fee and without sharing sensitive personal or financial information.","billpay":"Set up Bill Pay to send one-time or recurring payments safely and securely.","billPaySuccessSubHeading":"You’re using Bill Pay to make one-time or recurring payments safely and securely.","digitalWallet":"Use your cards in Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay to make shopping more secure.","digitalWalletSuccessSubHeading":"By using your cards in Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay, you're shopping more securely.","zelleButton":"Set up Zelle","billPayButton":"Set up Bill Pay","enrollNowButton":"Enroll now","digitalwalletButton":"Get more info","zellesecondary":"Send money","billpaysecondary":{"content":"Pay bills","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"payBillsButton"}},"digitalsecondary":"Manage wallet & cards","onlinePaymentsecondary":{"content":"Go to Payments","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"paymentAndInvoiceButton"}},"success_Icon":""},"data":{"bactmln":"online payments"}},{"label":"
Review five red flags that signal a scam
","dynamicContent":"partial","class":"reviewScamInfoPanel","partialName":"review-scam-info","content":{"text1":"Knowledge is a powerful defense against scams. Knowing the red flags that signal the most common scams will help you avoid falling for them.","text2":"learn more about protecting yourself against scams.","text3":"Scammers frequently change tactics, so as new scams arise we'll ask you to review new red flags. Meanwhile,","reviewBtn":"Review","viewedText":"You’ve reviewed the red flags that signal a scam"},"data":{"bactmln":"Review Scam Info"}}]},"windowsHelloActivatedLayer":{"id":"LayerWindowsHelloActivated","title":"Windows Hello Activated","content":{"ready":"You're ready to start using Windows Hello. Here are a few tips to help you get started.","Be_suresaveOnlineID":"Be sure to save your User ID. If you haven't already, you can do this the next time you log in.","save_Your":"After you save your User ID, you will see a ","signin_winhello":"Log in with Windows Hello ","signin_winhellodevice":"button you can select to quickly and securely log in with your Windows Hello device.","windowsHelloActivatedImage":""},"options":{"type":"modal","height":340,"width":680},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerWindowsHelloActivatedTrigger"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerWindowsHelloActivated"}}}},"digitalIdActivatedLayer":{"id":"LayerDigitalIdActivated","title":"Digital ID activated","content":{"ready":"You’re ready to start using Digital ID. Here are a few tips to help you get started","Be_suresaveOnlineID":"Be sure to save your User ID. If you haven’t already, you can do this the next time you log in.","save_Your":"After you save your User ID, you will see a ","signin_digId":"Log In with mobile app ","signin_digIddevice":"button you can select to quickly and securely log in using Digital ID.","digitalIdActivatedImage":""},"options":{"type":"modal","height":340,"width":680},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerDigitalIdActivatedTrigger"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerDigitalIdActivated"}}}},"checkingSavingsActivateLayer":{"id":"LayercheckingSavingsActivate","title":"Activate checking/savings account alerts","content":{"alertpage":"You're going to the","text1":" Alerts","text2":" page.","editCheckingSavingAlertTitle":"Edit checking/saving account alerts","increasemeter":"Increase your security meter by activating one of the following recommended security alerts on one of your checking or savings accounts:","editIncreasemeter":"Please note: In order to retain your security meter level for this feature, one of the following recommended security alerts needs to be activated on one of your checking or savings accounts:","charge":"Debit card charge made online, by phone, or mail","transaction":"Debit card transaction outside the 50 states (U.S.)","deduction":"Debit card/ATM deduction over $__(minimum $100)","electronic":"Electronic draft deducted over $__(minimum $100)"},"options":{"type":"modal","height":340,"width":680},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayercheckingSavingsActivateTrigger"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayercheckingSavingsActivate"}}},"checkingSavingsAlert":{"content":"Go to Alerts","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"checkingAlertsButton"}}},"creditCardLayer":{"id":"LayerCreditCardActivate","title":"Activate credit card alerts","content":{"creditcardpage":"You're going to the","text1":" Alerts","text2":" page.","editCreditCardAccountTitle":"Edit credit card alerts","creditcardmsg":"Increase your security meter by activating one of the following recommended security alerts on one of your credit card accounts:","editCreditCardAlert":"Please note: In order to retain security meter credit for this feature, one of the following recommended security alerts needs to be activated on one of your credit card accounts:","chargemade":"Credit card charge made online, by phone, or mail","chargeover":"Credit card charge over $__ (minimum $100)","transaction":"Credit card transaction outside the 50 states (U.S.)"},"options":{"type":"modal","height":340,"width":680},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerCreditCardActivateTrigger"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerCreditCardActivate"}}},"creditCardAlert":{"content":"Go to Alerts","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"creditCardAlertsButton"}}},"securityAlertLayer":{"id":"LayerSecurityAlert","title":"Security alerts","content":{"securityalertmsg":"The following security alerts are sent automatically to your primary email address and","securitymsg":"cannot be turned off:","phone":"Address or phone number changed","authcode":"Authorization code locked","idChanged":"Online Banking ID changed","look":"Online Banking ID looked up","reset":"Online Banking Password reset","error":"Online Banking login error","activity":"Unusual credit card activity","generalsecuritymsg":"You can add your mobile number and choose to send text alerts to your mobile device","generalmsg":"from the","text1":" General and Security Alerts","text2":" page."},"options":{"type":"modal","height":625,"width":725},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary 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At the top of the Account Overview screen, select the bell icon to go to the Alerts screen.","image":""}},{"content":{"text":"The Settings tab on the Alerts screen is where you can select your alerts and delivery options, update your primary email address and more.","image":""}}]}},"getTheMobileBankingAppLayer":{"id":"LayerGetMobileApp","title":"Get the Mobile Banking app","content":{"text1":"Get it on the App Store.","text2":"Before you leave our site, we want you to know your app store has its own privacy practices and level of security which may be different from ours, so please review their policies.","text3":"Or we can text a download link directly to your phone","text4":"By providing your mobile number you are consenting to receive a text message. Text message fees may apply from your carrier. Text messages may be transmitted automatically.","text5":"Phone number.","text6":"Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.","text7":"Or we send you a link by email","text8":"Our mobile app isn’t available for all devices","text9":"If you don’t see an app for your device, you may still be able to access our mobile website by typing in your mobile web browser.","text10":"Learn more about mobile banking options and supported devices","text11":"We sent a text message with the download link to ","text12":"We’ve sent you a download link","text13":"Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.","text15":"Get it on Google Play","downloadLinkSuccess":"","appStoreImage":"","googlePlayImage":""},"options":{"type":"modal","height":"650px"},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerGetMobileAppTrigger"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerGetMobileApp"}}},"phoneNumberField":{"required":true,"label":{"text":"Phone number","adaText":"Enter only 10 digits."},"input":{"format":"phone","gis-mask":"phone","attrs":{"id":"phoneNumberField","name":"phoneNumberField","autocomplete":"off","value":""}},"hintText":"999-999-9999","validationRules":{"change":{"phone":{"parameters":["us"]}}}},"emailAddressField":{"required":true,"label":{"text":"Email address"},"input":{"format":"email","attrs":{"id":"emailAddressField","name":"emailAddressField"},"gis-mask":"email"},"validationRules":{"change":{"email":{"parameters":[]}}}},"sendPhoneNumberButton":{"content":"Send","modifiers":"secondary medium","attributes":{"id":"sendPhoneNumberButton"}},"sendEmailButton":{"content":"Send","modifiers":"secondary medium","attributes":{"id":"sendEmailButton"}},"confirmationMsgOKButton":{"content":"OK","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"confirmationMsgOKButton"}},"mobileGetAppButton":{"content":"Go","modifiers":"secondary medium","attributes":{"id":"mobileGetAppButton"}},"selectGroup":{"inputs":{"mobileAppSelect":{"required":true,"label":{"text":"Select your device","adaText":"Select your device"},"helpToggle":"Select your device","select":{"attrs":{"id":"getMobileAppSelectDevice","name":"getMobileAppSelectDevice","noEmptyOption":true},"options":[{"text":"iPhone","value":"iPhone"},{"text":"iPad","value":"iPad"},{"text":"Android","value":"Android"},{"text":"Other","value":"Other"}]}}}}},"optionalSecurityAlertActivateLayer":{"id":"LayeroptionalsecurityActivate","title":"New device login alert","content":{"optional":"You're going to the Optional Security Alerts page.","optional1":"Increase your security meter by enabling an alert that notifies you when a new device logs in with your User ID."},"options":{"type":"modal","height":340,"width":680},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerOptionalSecurityActivateTrigger"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerOptionalSecurityActivate"}}},"optionalSavingsAlert":{"content":"Go to Alerts","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"optionalAlertsButton"}}},"zelleLayer":{"id":"LayerZelleOnlinePay","title":"Set up Zelle®","content":{"text1":"You're going to the Zelle page.","text2":"Set up Zelle in order to move your security meter higher."},"options":{"type":"modal"},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerZelleTrigger"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerZelleOnlinePay"}}},"zelle":{"content":"Go to Zelle","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"zelleButton"}}},"billPayLayer":{"id":"LayerOnlineBillPay","title":"Set up Bill Pay","content":{"text1":"You're going to the Bill Pay page.","text2":"Enroll in Bill Pay in order to move your security meter higher."},"options":{"type":"modal"},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerBillPayTrigger"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerOnlineBillPay"}}},"billPay":{"content":"Set up Bill Pay","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"billPayButton"}}},"digitalWalletLayer":{"id":"LayerDigitalWallet","title":"Add card to Digital Wallet","content":{"text1":"You're going to the Digital Wallets page.","text2":"Add your debit/credit cards to a digital wallet in order to move your security meter higher."},"options":{"type":"modal"},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerDigitalWalletTrigger"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerDigitalWallet"}}},"digitalWallet":{"content":"Go to Digital Wallet","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"digitalWalletButton"}}},"enrollOnlinePaymentsLayer":{"id":"LayerEnrollOnlinePayment","title":"Enroll in online payments and invoicing","content":{"text1":"You're going to the Payments and Invoicing page.","text2":"Enroll in online payments and invoicing in order to move your security meter higher."},"options":{"type":"modal"},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerEnrollOnlinePaymentTrigger"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerEnrollOnlinePayment"}}},"enrollOnlinePayment":{"content":"Enroll now","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"enrollNowButton"}}},"safeSocialMediaPage":{"title":"See how to stay safe on social media.","content":{"text":"Cyber criminals are becoming more creative in the techniques they use. They try to trick you into giving up your confidential information by sending you a fake friend request on social media or by catching you unsuspectingly when you're doing routine things. This threat — which preys on human traits such as wanting to be helpful or trusting people we know — is called \"social engineering.\" ","socialMedia":"Social media","socialMedia_text1":"Be careful and be private when posting personal information on social media. Lock down your profiles. Anything you put on social media can be used against you.","downloadUpdates":"Download updates","downloadUpdates_text1":"Older, more vulnerable software can expose you to attack. Make sure your browser, apps and other software on your devices are all up to date. ","antiSoftware":"Antivirus software","antiSoftware_text1":"Invest in antivirus software and other cyber security software that can flag suspicious emails and sites. ","fallForBait":"Don't fall for the bait","fallForBait_text1":"If an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If an email looks strange, look up the sender and call them (don't use the number they provide). ","unknownIndividual":"Never trust unknown individuals","unknownIndividual_text1":"Verify everything they claim. Don't send sensitive information to anyone whose identity you can't verify."}},"safeSocialMediaLargeImage":{"small":[{"srcset":[""],"sizes":"290px"}],"imageAttributes":{"alt":"An image with its zoom level showing"}},"personalInfoPage":{"title":"Don’t give out personal or financial information.","content":{"text":"Don’t share your personal and financial information - we will never call, email or text you requesting you to respond with your account number, PIN or access code.","text1":"Scammers use different tactics and techniques to get victims to fall for their schemes. ","text2":"They may pose as government officials, law enforcement or even Bank of America employees to steal your personal information. Messages will look identical to official correspondence. In some cases, they can be friendly, sympathetic and seem willing to help. In others, they use fear tactics to persuade a victim.","receiveCall":"If you receive a call, text or email, or someone comes to your home asking for this information, don’t give it out.","receiveCall_text1":"Don’t feel pressure to respond right away.","receiveCall_text2":"Validate the request by calling an official phone number from their website or talk to a trusted family member or friend - don't call phone numbers mentioned in the questionable message.","receiveCall_text3":"Consider installing an app to block robocalls to your phone."}},"personalInfoLargeImage":{"small":[{"srcset":[""],"sizes":"290px"}],"imageAttributes":{"alt":"An image with its zoom level showing"}},"qrCodesLargeImage":{"small":[{"srcset":[""],"sizes":"290px"}],"imageAttributes":{"alt":"An image with its zoom level showing"}},"identityTheftPage":{"title":"Find out how to protect yourself from identity theft","content":{"section1":"Don’t let identity thieves cost you time and money","subtext1":"Know the warning signs of ID theft so you can act right away:","warning1":"You notice unauthorized activity on your bank account or new accounts on your credit report.","warning2":"You receive unexpected letters and calls from debt collectors about loans or other debt that you don’t owe.","warning3":"You’re notified by the IRS that there’s a possible issue with your tax return, or that your return was previously filed in your name.","warning4":"You’re alerted that your account was accessed from a new device you don’t recognize.","warning5":"You’re billed for medical services you didn’t receive.","warning6":"You no longer receive bills and bank statements in the mail.","warning7":"You’re unexpectedly denied credit.","section2":"ID theft can happen to anyone","subtext2":"Taking these steps will help you reduce your risk of ID theft:","personalInfo":"1. Keep your personal information secure.","personalInfo1":"Never give out your personal information via email, text or to an unsolicited caller.","personalInfo2":"Switch to paperless statements.","personalInfo3":"Shred any documents, such as tax forms, bank statements and medical bills that contain sensitive information.","personalInfo4":"Avoid carrying your Social Security Number in your wallet and give it out only when necessary.","personalInfo5":"Don’t overshare on social media, and use privacy controls so that personal information is not made public.","personalInfo6":"Discuss internet safety with your children, and prevent them from sharing information online without your permission.","protectDevices":"2. Protect your devices.","protectDevices1":"Keep all of your devices updated with the latest security patches and software.","protectDevices2":"Secure your devices and home Wi-Fi network with a unique password of at least eight characters.","protectDevices3":"Enable biometrics such as fingerprint sign-on, retina/facial recognition where available.","accessaccounts":"3. Control access to your accounts.","accessaccounts1":"Create a strong password for each of your accounts, and never reuse the same password on multiple websites.","accessaccounts2":"Use multifactor authentication to add an extra layer of protection when logging in to your accounts.","accessaccounts3":"Activate account alerts to help you monitor your finances and keep your accounts safe. ","accessaccounts4":"Make sure your phone number and email address are up to date on your financial accounts.","section3":"Act quickly if you become a victim of ID theft","subtext3":"Here are some important steps you can take right away if you believe your identity has been compromised:","text_1":"Here are some important steps you can take right away if your identity has been compromised:","text_2":"1. Contact your financial institutions and creditors.","text3":"Speak with the fraud department and explain that someone has stolen your identity.","text4":"2. Check your credit reports and place a fraud alert on your file.","text5":"Initiate a fraud alert by contacting one of the three credit bureaus (when you contact one credit bureau, the other two bureaus are notified automatically):","Esperian":"Experian: ","Esperian_helpText":"888-397-3742","TransUnion":"TransUnion: ","TransUnion_helpText":"800-680-7289","Equifax":"Equifax: ","Equifax_helpText":"888-766-0008","text9":"3. File an identity theft report and retain it for your records.","text10":"Complete a report online at the ","text10_1":"Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) identity theft website layer","text10_2":" and contact your local law enforcement to report the crime.","text11":"4. Protect your device against malware or malicious software.","text12":"Download and install security software that updates automatically from a reputable company you trust. Make sure to change your online login credentials, passwords and PINs.","text13":"5. Watch out for suspicious emails, phone calls or text messages asking you for your personal information.","text14":"Always verify that the communication is legitimate by calling the organization back through an official phone number."}},"identityTheftLargeImage":{"small":[{"srcset":[""],"sizes":"290px"}],"imageAttributes":{"alt":"An image with its zoom level showing"}},"mobileSecurityPage":{"title":"10 Online and Mobile security tips","content":{"text":"As more people bank and shop online, proper internet security is more important than ever. Safeguarding your information can be as simple as consistently reviewing your bank accounts and reporting any suspicious activity. But there are a number of other things you can do to stay safer online. Here are ten tips to help protect you and your money.","strongPassword":"Use strong passwords.","strongPassword_text1":"A strong password (one that is not easily guessed by a human or computer) will have eight or more characters, including letters, numbers and symbols. Make sure to use different user IDs and passwords for your financial accounts and for any other sites you use online.","strongPassword_text2":" Check out our best tips for creating a strong password","strongPassword_period":".","mindfulNumbers":"Be mindful of the numbers you use.","mindfulNumbers_text1":"Don’t use any part of your Social Security number (or any other sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or birthdays) as a password, user ID or personal identification number (PIN). If someone gains access to this information, it may be among the first things used to try to get into your account.","strangeEmails":"Look out for strange emails.","strangeEmails_text1":"Don’t respond to emails that claim to be from your bank (or any other company) requesting your account details. No bank is ever likely to approach you this way to ask for personal information.","emailAttachment":"Beware email attachments.","emailAttachment_text1":"It’s never a good idea to click on email attachments or free software from unknown sources. You could end up exposing your computer (and the information on it) to online fraud and theft. Keep in mind that links you receive in emails or in messages on social networking sites can be harmful or fraudulent, even if they appear to come from friends.","shareOnline":"Watch how much you share online.","shareOnline_text1":"The more you post about yourself on social networking sites, the easier it might be for someone to use that information to access your accounts, steal your identity and more. Maximizing your privacy settings on social networking sites can also help protect your personal information.","carefulClick":"Be careful about what (and where) you click.","carefulClick_text1":"Look for security-enabled website addresses that start with “https” (the extra “s” indicates security). These sites take extra measures to help secure your information. This is particularly important if you’re making purchases using your credit card. If you receive requests for personal information while surfing the web, or calls for immediate action, these are almost always scams. If you suspect a link might give you a virus or steal personal data, don’t click on it. If the link was sent to you, talk to the sender directly to verify where it came from.","smartPhone":"Secure your smartphone.","smartPhone_text1":"Many mobile devices give you the option of locking your screen, which helps keep data stored on them secure. Depending on your phone, this can come in the form of a password, a pattern you draw on your phone’s touch screen or even your fingerprint.","sensitiveInfo":"Don’t keep sensitive information on your phone.","sensitiveInfo_text1":"Sensitive information includes your bank account numbers, identification information, passwords and other personal details such as answers to your security questions. If you bank via mobile app, don’t worry, as the information in our mobile app is secured.","downloadApps":"Think before you download apps.","downloadApps_text1":"It’s a good idea to review the privacy policy and understand what personal data an app can access before you download. It’s best to purchase or download apps from authorized stores.","techUpToDate":"Keep your technology up to date.","techUpToDate_text1":"Make sure to update your computer’s operating system, your internet browser and the software on your mobile devices. Updates generally include the latest security patches. Be sure to also use antivirus and antispyware software: These programs help find and remove malicious programs from your computer.","techUpToDate_text2":"By following these online and mobile security tips, you can help protect your personal information from falling into the wrong hands. If you suspect information related to your bank account has been compromised, contact your bank immediately for assistance addressing the issue."}},"mobileSecurityLargeImage":{"small":[{"srcset":[""],"sizes":"290px"}],"imageAttributes":{"alt":"An image with its zoom level showing"}},"creditReportPage":{"title":"Your credit report: What you need to know","content":{"text1":"Your credit report is a snapshot of your financial life. Anyone from potential employers to lenders could review it—and the information it contains determines your credit score. When you understand how to read your credit report and how to monitor it, you’ll be better equipped to handle your finances.","text2":"Your missed payments will show up here","text3":"The Three major credit bureaus-Experian, Equifax and TransUnion-collect information from public records and companies you do business with and use that information to create your report. The report has four sections:","personalInformation":"Personal information: ","personalInformation_text1":"your name, current and past addresses, Social Security number and date of birth.","creditHistory":"Credit history: ","creditHistory_text1":"all your open and closed credit accounts and your track record for repaying them.","publicRecords":"Public records: ","publicRecords_text1":"any public records related to your finances, such as property liens or bankruptcies. Any nonfinancial public records you may have, like speeding tickets, won’t be on here.","creditInquiries":"Credit inquiries: ","creditInquiries_text1":"everyone who’s checked your credit in the past 2 years—landlords, employers, lenders and more.","creditScore":"It’s not the same as your credit score","creditScore_text1":"Remember, your credit report is a history of your accounts and payments. Your credit score is separate, but related: It’s a number generated from the results of your credit report. Lenders use it to decide whether to lend to you and on what terms. Credit scores can range from as low as 250 to as high as 900, though some credit score providers may use a narrower range. For example, the most common FICO® credit score range is 300–850. The higher the number, the better your credit.","creditScore_text2":"Your credit report does not actually include your credit score, but it does inform it. You might be able to get your credit score for free from your financial institution or credit card issuer, or you may have to pay to get it.","mistakes":"Your credit report may contain mistakes","mistakes_text1":"Zero in on your credit history, especially the subsection called “adverse accounts.” It can show potentially negative items like a past-due credit account or a debt that was sent to collections, which can hurt your credit.","mistakes_text2":"You may find errors in this section that you’ll want to correct. It’s a good idea to reach out first to the creditor and then to the credit agencies themselves. If they’re unresponsive, report the problem to the ","mistakes_text5":"Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.","mistakes_text6":"If the error you find looks fraudulent—for example, you see a mortgage for a house you don’t own—","mistakes_text7":"act quickly","mistakes_text8":". Contact the credit bureaus and ask them to put a fraud alert on your account. You’ll also want to file a report with either the police or the ","mistakes_text9":"Federal Trade Commission ","mistakes_text10":"(FTC).","healthyReport":"A healthy credit report can get you a better deal","healthyReport_text1":"Good credit can set you up for other financial successes. For example, you may be more likely to receive a loan, or you may qualify for a lower interest rate, which can save you money in the long run. A clean credit report—and its positive effect on your credit score—can also make it easier to get rewards credit cards, which offer perks, like travel deals or cash back.","healthyReport_text2":"Ultimately, lenders can look at your credit report and credit score when deciding whether to lend you money, so paying attention to both is important.","free":"You can check it for free","free_text1":"Your credit report must be given to you free of charge once a year by each of the major credit bureaus if you ask for it. That’s three opportunities a year to make sure the information kept on you and your credit is accurate. (You’re also entitled to a free copy of your report if you ever apply for a credit card or loan and are declined.) To obtain a copy of your report, visit ","free_text2":" ","free_text3":"or call 877.322.8228.","free_text4":"Now that you know how to read, and use, your credit report, you’re better prepared to manage your credit."}},"creditReportLargeImage":{"small":[{"srcset":[""],"sizes":"290px"}],"imageAttributes":{"alt":"An image with its zoom level showing"}},"Scam-alertlargetimage":{"small":[{"srcset":[""],"sizes":"290px"}],"imageAttributes":{"alt":"An image with its zoom level showing","id":"scam-alert","class":"security-tips-articles-card9"}},"scamsAndredFlagsPage":{"title":"Help protect yourself from the latest scams.","content":{"scams_text1":"Scammers use different tactics to get victims to fall for their schemes. In some cases, they can be friendly, sympathetic and seem willing to help. In others, they use fear tactics to persuade victims. Being vigilant is your first line of defense. Review the following types of scams and learn how better protect yourself.","redFlagsHeading":"Know the red flags","redFlagsText":"No matter which technique the scammers use, the red flags remain the same. You may be:","redFlagsBottomText":"If you authorize a transfer or send money to a scammer, there's often little we can do to help get your money back.","redFlagsListItems":["Contacted unexpectedly by phone, email, text, direct message or pop-up with a request for personal information or money. Never click a link or download an attachment from someone you don't know. Bank of America will never text, email or call you asking for personal or account information.","Pressured to act immediately with an alarming phone call, email or text that plays with your emotions. Scammers may pose as an employee from a familiar organization, such as Bank of America and say there's a problem that needs immediate attention. Do not act unless you have verified the person who has contacted you and the story or request is legitimate.","Asked to pay in an unusual way, like gift cards, bitcoin, prepaid debit cards or digital currency, including Zelle® to resolve fraud. Bank of America will never ask you to transfer money to anyone, including yourself and will never ask you to transfer money because we detected fraud on your account.","Asked to provide personal or account information, such as an account verification code, bank account number or PIN. When in doubt, don't give it out. Bank of America will never text, email or call you asking for an account authorization code.","Offered a free product or 'get rich quick' opportunity that seems too good to be true. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Never cash a check for someone you don't know."],"scams_text2":"Issues with package delivery
You receive an email or text indicating there's an issue with your package or a failed delivery attempt. You'll be asked to click a link to pay a small fee or provide personal information.
Tip: Do not open unfamiliar links for payment or personal information, this may be a phishing attempt. Read more about phishing.
Donating money to a cause
Use caution if asked to donate money in person, to a cause, using your phone. You'll be told to log into your banking app but then told to hand over your phone for the “representative” to input the charity's information and complete the transaction for you - but the scammer is sometimes actually sending money to themselves.
Tip: Don't hand over your device to anyone to complete a transaction and never ignore bank warning messages.
Social Media
Cyber criminals are actively using social media platforms and design posts that lure you into sharing personal information or scam you out of money.
Tip: Be mindful about what information you share and see on social media. If something seems too good to be true, its most likely a scam. Read about social media scams.
Scammers may pose as businesses or people you know — like your bank, utility company, phone provider or even a friend or relative. They'll spoof legitimate phone numbers to call or text and tell you to send funds to yourself or others using online or mobile banking. They may even tell you to ignore or bypass scam warnings and alerts. If you share information, the scammer could enroll in bank features like Zelle using your information.
Tip: Stop and verify. While Bank of America may send you a text to validate unusual activity, we will never contact you to request you share a code over the phone or send us or anyone else money, including through Zelle. Read about social engineering.
Multi-step scams
Scammers are now combining multiple scam types by taking a phased approach to try to gain your trust and make scams even more convincing.
Step 1 - you'll receive a request for remote access on your device.
Step 2 you'll get a call from your bank stating there is an issue or potential fraud.
Step 3 another imposter claiming to be a government official will send you an official email or letter.
Tip: Don't download software or provide remote access to anyone you don't know. Bank of America will never call you to request that you move money to protect yourself from fraud.
Read our tip sheet on talking to friends and family about fraud, scams and cyber security, and read on to review more scams and learn how to help better protect yourself.
"}},"scamsAndredFlagstLargeImage":{"small":[{"srcset":[""],"sizes":"290px"}],"imageAttributes":{"alt":"An image with its zoom level showing"}},"studentScam":{"id":"studentScam","type":"squeezebox","options":{"oneAtATime":true},"panels":[{"active":false,"label":"
Online sales scams
Whether you're thinking about purchasing event tickets, adopting an animal or just browsing the web, be cautious if you see an online promotion that sounds too good to be true - it probably is.
Scammers set up fake stores selling fake goods, and after you've made your purchase, the store suddenly disappears. They may use social media platforms to contact you and build a relationship, telling you about an offer that's hard to resist, then instructing you to download an app or send money to take advantage of the offer.
How to help protect yourself:
Slow down and use caution if pressured to act quickly - scammers want you to act without thinking about the consequences.
Research the seller and products independently, check reviews for possible scam notices, and compare prices with other websites. Make sure they have a refund policy, information on privacy terms and conditions, and ways you can contact them.
Verify the website by looking carefully at the URL address bar or domain name to ensure you are visiting the correct domain and not a fake. Look for secure URLs (https://), and while an encrypted site does not guarantee safety - beware of buying from sites with no encryption.
Use caution if asked to pay using untraceable means such as a wire, money transfer or gift card. If you do, you may not receive your purchase or the return of your money.
Whether you are looking for a vacation rental or are purchasing or refinancing a home, you may still be a target for scammers. Scammers can take over a rental or real estate listing by changing the email address or other contact information, then listing it on another site. They may send you an email that appears to be from your real estate agent, title company, or settlement agent/attorney with last minute updates to wiring instructions. Or you could get a quote for moving your items to your new place that turns out to be significantly higher and they'll hold your belongings until you pay.
How to help protect yourself:
Before you send any money, always independently confirm wiring instructions in person or via a phone call to a trusted or verified phone number. Once the money is gone, there's almost no way to get it back.
Be cautious if pressured to urgently send a security deposit or make a payment to hold the property before you even see it or sign a lease.
Pay attention and do your research on the companies, owner(s) and/or listing: Is it vague? Do the photos have watermarks? Does the rent amount sound too low? Are there any scam warnings or complaints about them online? Remember: If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
Investment scams
Be wary if you are contacted by “investment managers” or receive an unsolicited request (via social media, pop-up, text, email or phone call) that presents a “great investment opportunity.” Offers that promise guaranteed returns, or the chance to get rich quick or double your money are likely a scam.
How to help protect yourself:
Think twice if you're asked to send money through digital currency/crypto currency or instant money transfers. Remember, once you send the money, there is very little we can do to get that money back.
Always validate requests for money, research investment managers/offers and use caution if asked to provide personal or financial information.
Romance scams
Romance scammers may contact you online via dating aps or social media and try to establish a trusting, caring, and believable relationship - as quickly as possible. Then, scammers make an emotional plea, telling you a story that ends with a request to transfer money through untraceable means like a wire transfer or gift cards. Be vigilant - if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
How to help protect yourself:
Be careful when posting personally identifiable information on social media. Enable security settings on your social media profiles to limit what you share publicly.
Never send money, provide financial information or other sensitive information to anyone whose identify you cannot independently verify.
Research who you are talking to. See if their images, name and details have been used elsewhere.
Technology scams
If you get an unsolicited request to remotely access your computer or mobile device, it's probably a scam - and you could lose money. Scammers often pose as employees of familiar companies and ask you to provide remote access or download an app. They may call, use pop-up screens or email to convince you that your device has a virus or that you're owed money.
How to help protect yourself:
No matter what reason you're given, never grant device access or download any app at the request of unknown companies or individuals.
Always confirm the identity of someone requesting access by calling a trusted and verified phone number (the one they provide could be part of the scam).
Compromise scams
Scammers may try to target you through a fake business, social media or email account. The cyber criminal may use a hacked or fake account that looks legitimate to trick you into sending funds.
How to help protect yourself:
Never trust unknown individuals. Verify everything they claim and do not send sensitive information to anyone whose identity you can't confirm.
Give all requests for funds a second look. If an email looks strange, look up the sender and email or call them (don't use the number they provide).
Invest in antivirus software and other cyber security software that can flag suspicious emails and websites.
Natural disaster scams
Know the scams that may follow a natural disaster
Watch out for fake contractors:
Following a disaster, unlicensed contractors will canvas the impacted areas promising to get clean up or repairs done quickly. They may ask for payment up front and not show up to do the work, or have you sign a contract that redirects insurance payouts to them and not you.
How to help protect yourself:
Do your research; get multiple quotes for comparison, and make sure the contractors are licensed.
Use caution if you're pressured to pay up front for the job or sign over the insurance claim. Contractors may try to offer special deals that seem too good to be true.
Avoid being taken advantage of when donating:
Make sure you know where the money is going and that you're giving it to the right person or organization.
How to help protect yourself:
Do your research and make sure the organization is legitimate. Look it up on the internet and check for complaints or scams.
Be careful if giving through social media and other online fundraising platforms. It's safest to give to people you know and trust.
Be cautious of how you pay when donating and use caution if asked to pay in unusual ways. Keep a record of your donation.
Know how to spot imposters:
No matter where they say they're from or who they're representing, imposters have the same goal - to get you to pay them money or give them your personal or financial information
How to help protect yourself:
Stay vigilant about being pressured to act quickly and don't act unless you've verified the person who has contacted you and that the story or request is legitimate.
Know that disaster relief organizations typically do not charge fees to apply for assistance.
Ask for proof of ID and remember: if you're asked for financial information, it could be a scam.
"}]},"LINKS":{"betterMoneyHabbits":{"ID":"better-money-habbits-video","URL":"","content":"video"},"socMedScam":{"ID":"socMedScam","URL":"/content/documents/security/takeaways_social_media_scams.pdf","content":"social media scams"},"tipSheet":{"ID":"tipSheet","URL":"/content/documents/security/tip_sheet_family_friends.pdf","content":"tip sheet"},"socEngine":{"ID":"socEngine","URL":"/content/documents/security/social_engineering_tip_sheet.pdf","content":"social engineering"},"phishing":{"ID":"phishing","URL":"/content/pdf/en_us/security-center/TipSheetsPhishingBofA.pdf","content":"phishing"}},"parentScam":{"id":"parentScam","type":"squeezebox","options":{"oneAtATime":true},"panels":[]},"studentScamPage":{"title":"Learn about the most common type of scams that target students","content":{"text1":"As a high school or college student, you have many responsibilities such as studying for exams, holding down a part-time job and handling at least some of your own finances. While you’re doing all this, con artists may also be trying to separate you from your cash. Cybercriminals know students often have hectic schedules and may be new to money management, making you an ideal target.","text2":"The good news? You can protect your financial and personal information by familiarizing yourself with the most prevalent scam tactics and how to spot them.","text3":"Here’s what you need to know about six of the top scams that target students.","fakeApartment":"1. Fake apartment listings","how":"How it works","action":"Action to take","redFlags":"Red flags","fakeApartment_text1":"You see an online listing for what seems to be an ideal apartment. The landlord or agent isn’t able to show you the place, but you can secure it immediately if you mail or wire a deposit—only to find out later that the ad was phony and your money is gone.","fakeApartment_text2":"Do an internet search on the apartment’s address and any contact names you come across. You may find the legitimate listing for that apartment or learn that others had been scammed in the same way. If the apartment is in your area, always view it in person. In all cases, never send money without first confirming that a listing is legitimate.","fakeApartment_text3":"Be wary if the listing sounds too good to be true, or if you can’t see the unit in person. Other bad signs: there are typos in the listing, a vague description of the apartment and/or no formal rental application or tenant screening process.","bogusScholarships":"2. Bogus scholarships and grants","bogusScholarships_text1":"You receive a call or email saying you earned a grant or scholarship. You’re asked to make an up-front payment for processing or related services, but the scholarship or grant money never materializes.","bogusScholarships_text2":"Contact your school to see if anyone there can help to confirm the legitimacy of the award. In addition, research the organization giving the scholarship or grant to see what information you can find out. Under no circumstances should you be required to send money for a scholarship or grant.","bogusScholarships_text3":"Be suspicious if you never applied for the grant or scholarship. Also, stay on high alert if you’re told the award is a “sure thing,” that it’s only available for a limited time, or that the awarding organization is a newly formed company.","unpaidTuition":"3. Unpaid tuition claims","unpaidTuition_text1":"A person claiming to be a representative of your college calls to say that your tuition payment is late and that you’ll be dropped from all classes unless you pay immediately over the phone.","unpaidTuition_text2":"End the call, then contact your school’s financial aid office through a verified phone number from the school’s official website or correspondence. Report the incident to your school.","unpaidTuition_text3":"If you’re up-to-date on your tuition payments or if the caller pressures you to pay immediately these are major warning signs.","counterfeitCheck":"4. Counterfeit check cashing","counterfeitCheck_text1":"You receive a cashier’s check from someone you don’t know, such as a shopper who wants an item you’re selling online. The amount is for more than is owed so you’re asked to deposit the check and return the extra funds. Yet, the check is counterfeit–and by the time you and your bank discover that—you’ve already sent money to the scammer.","counterfeitCheck_text2":"Never return the amount overpaid until you have confirmation that the check has fully cleared. If the con artist contacted you via a website, notify that site.","counterfeitCheck_text3":"Be wary if you’re given a check that is larger than the amount due, then asked to return funds to the person who paid you. (Here’s what con artists capitalize on: While the deposited money may appear to be available in your account, a check isn’t valid until your bank gets the money from the issuing bank.)","improperEmployment":"5. Improper employment offer schemes","improperEmployment_text1":"You see a job posting that promises great benefits such as flexible hours and above-average pay. But you have to pay an upfront fee to move forward in the interview process or to secure the role. In some cases, the application asks for personal information, such as your social security number, which the cybercriminal can then use without your knowledge or permission.","improperEmployment_text2":"Cut off contact with any firms that ask you to pay an advance fee for a job. If you sent money as a fee, report the scam to the website where the listing was posted.","improperEmployment_text3":"If you’re told you need to pay an application fee, the posting is likely a scam. It’s also a bad sign if the so-called employer makes an offer without asking you to interview.","suspectSweepstakes":"6. Suspect sweepstakes and giveaways","suspectSweepstakes_text1":"You receive a call, email or social media message that is purportedly from a company that distributes sweepstakes or lottery winnings notifying you that you’ve won a contest, but you need to pay a processing fee or taxes to claim the prize. In some cases, scammers will ask for your bank or credit card information, saying they will directly deposit the winnings into your financial accounts.","suspectSweepstakes_text2":"If you feel that you perhaps won a legitimate prize, look up the official website of the group contacting you for information on how to proceed.","suspectSweepstakes_text3":"As with other scams, proceed with caution if you didn’t enter any such sweepstakes, you’re asked for financial or personal information, or to pay a fee.","targeted":"How to react if you suspect you’ve been targeted","actQuickly":"Act quickly ","actQuickly_text":"after an incident, as it can help minimize damages.","changePasswords":"Change all passwords ","changePasswords_text":"that may have been compromised.","callPolice":"Call the police ","callPolice_text":"and file reports with the relevant local authorities. Many state attorney general websites have detailed information on the latest scams, and online forms to file a consumer complaint.","fileReports":"File reports","fileReports_text1":"with the ","fileReports_text2":"Federal Trade Commission","fileReports_text3":" and the ","fileReports_text4":"FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center.","fileReport_period":".","document":"Document Everything","document_text":"about the incident. The more information you have, the better armed you will be to assist an investigation by law enforcement officials.","alert":"Alert your bank","alert_text":"about the scam. Although the recovery of lost funds isn’t possible in most cases, your bank may be able to use the information to warn other clients."}},"studentScamImage":{"small":[{"srcset":[""],"sizes":"290px"}],"imageAttributes":{"alt":"An image with its zoom level showing"}},"romanceScamImageLarge":{"small":[{"srcset":[""],"sizes":"290px"}],"imageAttributes":{"alt":"An image with its zoom level showing"}},"imposterScamImageLarge":{"small":[{"srcset":[""],"sizes":"290px"}],"imageAttributes":{"alt":"An image with its zoom level showing"}},"friendsFamilyLarge":{"small":[{"srcset":[""],"sizes":"290px"}],"imageAttributes":{"alt":"An image with its zoom level showing"}},"windowsHelloStates":{"debug":true,"id":"turnOnWindowsHello","type":"checkbox","allowNoSelected":true,"groupName":"group1","switches":[{"stringChecked":"On","stringUnchecked":"Off","value":"toggleWindowsHelloBtn","checked":false}]},"RecentSignIns":{"title":"Recent logins","content1":"These are the ","content2":"most recent logins to your account through Online and Mobile Banking. If you see a suspicious login, you can ","linkContent":"take these steps to protect your information.","heading1":"Accessed On","heading2":"Device","heading3":"Date","heading4":"Time (ET)"},"SecurityTipsArticles":{"label":"Security tips and articles","viewArticles":"View all articles","title":"Security tips and articles","goBackToSecurityCenter":"Security Center","goBackToSecurityTipsArticles":"Security tips and articles"},"cardsuspicious":{"dismissible":false,"id":"reportSuspiciousActivityCard","title":"Report suspicious activity","titleTag":"h5","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"report-suspicious-activity","content":{"text_1":"Forward suspicious email or text messages to us at","mailto":"","period":".","text_2":"If you received a suspicious phone message, call us at 800-432-1000.","text_3":"Go to Card Settings ","text_4":"to do things like report a lost/stolen card or lock your card.","phishing_Icon":"","phone_Icon":"","card_Icon":""}}},"ASF":{"text":{"pageTitle":"Additional Security Features","subTitle":"Whenever extra protection is needed, we’ll help keep your digital banking secure."},"DCStepUplayerContent":{"DCStepUpContentLoad":{"id":"DCStepUpContentLoad","title":"
Confirm your identity
To verify it's you, enter your debit card info.
","button":""},"options":{"type":"modal","closeTriggers":["#stepupDCPinCancel"]}}},"stepup":{"subtitle":"To verify it's you, enter your debit card info.","firstIntro":"To verify your identity please enter the following details.","pinSectionLabel":"Enter the selected debit card details","fieldLabels":{"cardListRecognized":"Select an ATM/Debit card","pinListRecognized":"Enter the Selected ATM/Debit Card PIN","cardSingleRecognized":"ATM/Debit Card Number","pinSingleRecognized":"ATM/Debit Card PIN","cardListUnrecognized":"Select a Debit Card","pinListUnrecognized":"Debit Card PIN","cardSingleUnrecognized":"Debit Card Number","pinSingleUnrecognized":"Debit Card PIN"},"formFields":{"dcNumber":{"required":"Please verify your information","asterisk":false,"label":{"text":"Card number(Last 6 digits)"},"input":{"attrs":{"id":"dcNumber","name":"dcNumberField","autocomplete":"off","maxLength":6,"pattern":"[0-9]+"}},"validationRules":{"change":[{"numberOnly":{"parameters":{},"errorMessage":"Enter the last 6 digits of your Card number (only numbers)."},"allowSpecialChars":false,"lengthRange":{"parameters":[6,6],"errorMessage":"Enter the last 6 digits of your Card number (only numbers)."}}]}},"pinNumber":{"required":"Enter your 4 to 12 digit PIN","asterisk":false,"label":{"text":"ATM/Debit Card PIN"},"input":{"attrs":{"id":"pinNumber","name":"pinNumberField","autocomplete":"off","maxlength":12}},"validationRules":{"change":[{"numberOnly":{"parameters":{},"errorMessage":"Enter your 4 to 12 digit PIN"},"allowSpecialChars":false,"lengthRange":{"parameters":[4,12],"errorMessage":"Enter your 4 to 12 digit PIN"}}]}},"cvvNumber":{"required":"Enter your 3 or 4 digit security code","asterisk":false,"label":{"text":"Security Code (3 or 4 digits)"},"input":{"format":"name","attrs":{"id":"cvvNumberstx","name":"cvvNumberstxField","placeholder":"xxxx","data-help-head":"SECURITY CODE","data-help-body":"Visa and MasterCard® credit and debit cards: Your 3-digit security code is located on the back of your card in the signature line. American Express® cards: Your 4-digit code is located on the front of your card, just above the embossed card number. ","maxlength":4,"data-validation":{"empty":"INVALID_CARD_DATA","numeric-only":"INVALID_CARD_DATA","cvv-check":{"regex":"^[0-9]{3,4}$","code":"INVALID_CARD_DATA"}}}},"validationRules":{"change":[{"numberOnly":{"parameters":{},"errorMessage":"Enter your 3 or 4 digit security code."},"allowSpecialChars":false,"lengthRange":{"parameters":[3,4],"errorMessage":"Enter your 3 or 4 digit security code."}}]}},"cardExpiryMonth":{"fieldType":"select","required":true,"asterisk":false,"label":{"text":"Expiration - Month","adaText":"Select the expiration month of the card"},"select":{"attrs":{"id":"cardExpMonth","name":"cardExpMonth"},"options":[]},"validationRules":{"change":[{"allowSpecialChars":false}]}},"cardExpiryYear":{"fieldType":"select","required":true,"asterisk":false,"label":{"text":"Expiration - Year","adaText":"Select the expiration year of the card"},"select":{"attrs":{"id":"cardExpYear","name":"cardExpYear"},"options":[]},"validationRules":{"change":[{"allowSpecialChars":false}]}}},"buttons":{"continue":"Continue","cancel":"Cancel"}}},"ASFSecureTransfer":{"dismissible":false,"dismissibleADA":" ","id":"ASFSecureTransferCard","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"secureTransfer","content":{"action":"Action","deviceInfo":"Device information","title":"Secured Transfer","mySpinner":{"loadingMessage":"The data is taking some time to load.","cancelDisabled":true,"retryDisabled":true},"info":"If you’re transferring more than your daily limit, we require Secured Transfer to send the money. You’ll need a U.S. mobile number and debit card to confirm your identity.","infoLink":"Review the Secured Transfer requirements.","register":"Register","stxTitle":"Secured Transfer numbers","stxSubTitle":"You can have up to two numbers.","stxAddNumberbtn":"Add Number","stxCancelbtn":"Cancel","stxDonebtn":"Done","STXContent":{"content":"Edit Secure Transfer numbers","modifiers":"secondary small","attributes":{"id":"STXContent"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"STXContentLoad"}}},"layerContent":{"STXContentLoad":{"id":"STXContentLoad","title":"
Secured Transfer numbers
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USB – Extra security for higher-value transfers
","text_1":"A USB security key plugs into your computer’s USB port and functions as an extra layer of security to increase limits for certain transfer types. They’re an alternative to SMS-based one-time security codes if you don’t have access to a U.S. mobile phone number or can’t receive texts to your phone.","text_2":"How to purchase","text_3":"You can buy USB security keys at many trusted tech retailers and they typically cost $18-$50. Make sure the key you choose is FIDO-certified.","text_4":"How to make transfers","text_5":"When prompted for your USB security key, tap the button on the key already inserted into your USB port, allow the browser to read your device, and continue with your transfer.","text_6":"Once your key is set up, it serves as an extra layer of security for adding transfer recipients to your account and for extra security at login.","options":{"type":"modal","closeAdaTextOverride":"USB – Extra security for higher-value transfers"}},"U2fContentLoad":{"id":"U2fContentLoad","content":{"holder":"
"},"options":{"type":"modal","closeButton":true,"closeTriggers":["#closeU2fLoad"]}}},"add":"Add","addada":"USB Security Key"}}},"ASFMTG":{"dismissible":false,"id":"ASFMTGCard","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"MobileToken","content":{"title":"Mobile Token","info":"Keep your online accounts more secure with a 6-digit token to use in the Mobile Banking app. Because it’s sent to your registered device, it’s another way to verify it’s really you.","infoLink":"Learn more about Mobile Tokens.","register":"Add","addada":"Mobile Token","edit":"Edit","icon":"","checkmark":""}}},"cardRecommendedFeatures":{"dismissible":false,"id":"recommendedFeaturesCard","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"recommended-features","scamBanner":{"icon":""},"articleBanner":{"icon":""},"skipbutton":"Skip for now","strongPasscode":{"id":"strongPasscode","icon":"","text":"Strengthen your Password now to help maximize defense against hackers.","button":"Update password"},"goPaperless":{"id":"goPaperless","icon":"","text":"Help reduce the risk of identity theft or stolen mail by going paperless.","button":"Go paperless","skipbutton":"Skip for now"},"reviewContactInfo":{"id":"reviewContactInfo","icon":"","text":"Update your contact info so we can reach you if we see suspicious activity.","button":"Review info"},"downloadMobileApp":{"id":"downloadMobileApp","icon":"","text":"You can use our mobile app to monitor your account activity from almost anywhere.","button":"Download","skipbutton":"Skip for now"},"enhance2fa":{"id":"enhance2fa","icon":"","text":"Enhance your Online Banking security by having us verify you at every login.","button":"Enhance now","skipbutton":"Skip for now"},"enhanceMobileSignIn":{"id":"enhanceMobileSignIn","icon":"","text":"Upgrade your internet security by enabling biometrics.","button":"Enable","skipbutton":"Skip for now"},"alertFeatures":{"id":"alertFeatures","icon":"","text":"Increase your security by setting up optional alerts and notifications.","button":"Set up","skipbutton":"Skip for now"},"reviewScamInfo":{"id":"reviewScamInfo","icon":"","text":"Review these red flags to better protect yourself against scams.","button":"Review","skipbutton":"Skip for now"},"billPay":{"id":"billPay","icon":"","text":"Send payments safely and securely using Bill Pay.","button":"Set up","skipbutton":"Skip for now"},"billPayDigitalPayments":{"id":"paymentAndInvoice","icon":"","text":"Enroll in online payments and invoicing and help reduce the security risks of paper.","button":"Enroll","skipbutton":"Skip for now"},"zelle":{"id":"zelle","icon":"","text":"Use Zelle to safely send money with no fee and without sharing sensitive info.","button":"Set up","skipbutton":"Skip for now"},"digitalWallet":{"id":"digitalWallet","icon":"","text":"Using your cards in digital wallets makes shopping more secure.","button":"More info","skipbutton":"Skip for now"},"content":{"carouselArray":[{"content":{"class":"feature"}}]}}},"suspiciousSignInLayer":{"id":"LayerSuspiciousSignIn","title":"What to do if you see a suspicious login","content":{"subtitle":"Here are steps you can take now if you believe your identity and/or account information may have been compromised:","text2":"Speak with the fraud department and explain that you believe someone has stolen your","text3":"identity.","text4":"Request to close or freeze any accounts that may have been tampered with or","text5":"fraudulently established.","text6":"Make sure to","text7":"change your User ID","text8":"and","text9":"change your Password","text10":"."},"options":{"type":"modal","height":700,"width":615},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerSuspiciousSignIn"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerSuspiciousSignIn"}}}},"securityGuarantee":{"dismissible":false,"id":"securityGuarantee","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"securityGuarantee","content":{"title":"Our Security Guarantee","text":"Our Consumer Online and Mobile Banking Guarantee","text2":" means that you are not liable for unauthorized transfers or bill payments made via Online or Mobile Banking if reported promptly. See our ","text1":"Online and Mobile Security Guarantee.","superScript":"Footnote 1","iconLockCard":""}}},"fraudMonitoring":{"dismissible":false,"id":"fraudMonitoring","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"fraudMonitoring","content":{"title":"Fraud monitoring and automatic alerts","text":"When we see unusual account activity, we want to let you know as quickly as possible. By keeping your contact info (including your mobile number) up to date, we can easily alert you to any potentially fraudulent activity. ","text1":"Review your contact info.","iconLockCard":""}}},"debitCreditCardSecurity":{"dismissible":false,"id":"debitCreditCardSecurity","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"debitCreditCardSecurity","content":{"title":"Debit and credit card security","text1":"Our","liability":"$0 Liability Guarantee","card":" means you won’t be responsible for unauthorized transactions (transactions not made by you or anyone authorized to use your account) made using your Bank of America credit or debit card.","text2":"Bank of America credit and debit cards provide additional security when used at terminals and ATMs that are chip-enabled.","superScript":"Footnote 2","iconLockCard":""}}},"sensitiveTransactions":{"dismissible":false,"id":"sensitiveTransactions","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"sensitiveTransactions","content":{"title":"Extra security required for sensitive transactions","text":"We use an extra layer of security in Online and Mobile Banking to authorize high-value transfers and other sensitive transactions. We’ll send a 6-digit code to your mobile phone or email, which you’ll enter to authorize the transaction. Remember: Never share your code with anyone. ","text1":"Learn more about Authorization Codes.","iconLockCard":""}}},"changeOidSuccessLayer":{"id":"LayerchangeOidSuccess","title":"Change your User ID","content":{"newOid":"New User ID"},"options":{"type":"modal","height":268,"width":684},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerchangeOidSuccessTrigger"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerchangeOidSuccess"}}},"Done":{"content":"Done","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"CloseChnageOidSuccess"}}},"deviceSecurityCard":{"dismissible":false,"id":"deviceSecurityCard","title":"Increase your device security","titleTag":"h5","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"device-security","content":{"text":" See if your browser and operating system are up to date.","text1":"Additional security features","moreInfoLink":"More Info","reviewLink":"Review","icon":"","keyIcon":""}}},"dataSharingSecurityCard":{"dismissible":false,"id":"dataSharingSecurityCard","title":"Data sharing","titleTag":"h5","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"data-sharing-card","content":{"nothirdPartyTitle":"No third parties","onethirdPartyTitle":"1 third party","thirdPartyTitle":" third parties","thirdPartycaption":"with active consent to access","tPAToolTipTitle":"What are third parties?","tPAToolTipText":"Third parties are sites and apps to which you've given consent to share your account information. You can revoke your consent at anytime.","thirdPartyReviewLink":"Review","noTpsConsent":"Third parties are sites and apps to which you’ve given consent to share your account information. You can revoke your consent at any time.","text1":"identity verification","text2":"last 30 days","tooltipIDVerificationTitle":"What is ID verification?","infoText1":"The ID verification service allows you to share some basic information about yourself with third parties for one-time-only identity verification purposes.","moreInfoLink":"More Info","reviewLink":"Review","tpsIcon":"","icon":"","keyIcon":""}}},"enrollHistoryLayer":{"id":"LayerEnroll","title":"ID Verification enrollment history","options":{"type":"modal"},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerEnrollHistory"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerEnroll"}}},"modalContent":{"heading1":"Status","heading2":"Date"}},"securityGuageCompleteLayer":{"id":"LayerSecurityGuageComplete","title":"Remain vigilant","options":{"type":"modal"},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"LayerSecurityGuageComplete"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"LayerSecurityGuage"}}},"modalContent":{"text1":"Security is a shared responsibility. To help reinforce the steps we take to protect you, be sure to:","list1":"Regularly review your account activity and statements.","list2":"Never share your personal or financial information, particularly your User ID, Password and PIN.","list3":"Contact us immediately if you see unauthorized account activity or your card is lost or stolen.","text2":"Explore more","text3":" security tips and articles"}},"IncreaseDeviceSecurity":{"title":"Increase your device security"},"cardCheckYourBrowser":{"dismissible":false,"id":"checkYourBrowserCard","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"check-browser","content":{"title":"Your browser:","text":"Congratulations! Your internet browser meets our security requirements.","subtext":{"ID":"ReviewRequirements","content":"Review requirements"},"icon":""}}},"checkOperatingSystem":{"dismissible":false,"id":"checkYourOperatingSystem","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"operating-system","content":{"title":"Make sure your operating system is up to date","text":"Protect your information by using the most recent version of your operating system and have the most recent security patches.","subtext":{"ID":"ReviewRequirements1","content":"Review requirements"},"icon":""}}},"checkAntiVirus":{"dismissible":false,"id":"checkAntiVirusCard","markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"anti-virus-card","content":{"title":"Be Cyber Secure: Protect Your Home Network","text":"Read our tips to protect yourself, and how to respond if you think you have been targeted.","subtext":"Get protection tips (PDF)","icon":""}}},"idVerificationServicePage":{"dismissible":false,"id":"idVerificationHistory","title":"ID Verification Service","titleTag":"h5","content":{"text":"The ID verification service allows you to share some basic information about yourself with third parties for one-time-only identity verification purposes. If you want your information removed from the third party's database, you will need to reach out to the third party directly.","heading1":"Date","heading2":"Shared with","heading3":"Status","text2":"You enrolled on","text3":"View enrollment history","text4":"Verification history","text5":"You shared this profile data","text6":"Transaction # "},"markup":{"dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"recent-sign-in","content":{"heading1":"TODO"}}},"thirdPartyAccessPage":{"dismissible":false,"id":"thirdPartyAccess","title":"Third-party access","titleTag":"h5","content":{"text1":"These are the third-party sites and apps that connect to Bank of America through our secure data-sharing protocol and to which you’ve given consent to share your account information. You can revoke your consent to share information. If you later want to reinstate consent, you’ll need to do so via the specific site or app.","tableheader1":"Third party","tableheader2":"Status","tableheader3":"Consent date","tableheader4":"Action","tableheader5":"Revoke date","tableLink1":"Active","tableLink2":"Revoked","InfoMessage":"You haven't provided consent to share your account information with any third-party sites or apps that utilize our secure data-sharing protocol.","nonPlaidSuccess":"We’ve revoked your consent to share account information with {1}. To reinstate your consent, go back to the {2} site or app.","plaidSuccess":"We’ve submitted a request to Plaid on your behalf to stop sharing your account information with ","plaidSuccess1":" To reinstate your consent, go back to the ","plaidSuccess2":"site or app.","tpsErrorMessage":"We're sorry weren't able to complete your request. Please try again.","tpsInfoMessage":"You haven't provided consent to share your account information with any third-party sites or apps that utilize our secure data-sharing protocol."}},"thirdPartyAccessConfirmationLayer":{"id":"thirdPartyAccessConfirmationLayer","title":"Are you sure you want to revoke data sharing?","content":{"confirmationText":"When you revoke your consent, we’ll stop sharing your account information with {1}. To reinstate your consent, you’ll need to go back to the {2} site or app.","plaidUser_confirmationText":"When you revoke your consent, we’ll make a request to Plaid on your behalf to stop sharing your account information with ","plaidUser_confirmationText1":". If you ever want to reinstate your consent, you will need to do so via the ","plaidUser_confirmationText2":" site or app."},"options":{"type":"modal"},"trigger":{"content":"Trigger Layer","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"thirdPartyAccessConfirmationLayerTrigger"},"actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"rel":"thirdPartyAccessConfirmationLayer"}}},"revokeButton":{"content":"Revoke","modifiers":"primary medium","attributes":{"id":"revokeButton"}},"cancelButton":{"content":"Cancel","modifiers":"secondary medium","attributes":{"id":"cancelButton"}}},"fAQAboutThird-PartyAccess":{"id":"thirdPartyAccessFAQ","type":"squeezebox","options":{"oneAtATime":true},"content":{"title":"FAQs about third-party access","text1":"Bank of America values customer choice and wants you to be able to securely access your information when and where you want. Sharing your account information with third-party apps and websites can potentially expose you to privacy and security risks and should be carefully considered.","text2":"Any data shared with a third party will be governed by the third party's privacy and data retention policies. We recommend reviewing those policies before sharing your data to understand how the third party will use and store your account information. For example, look for whether they sell any of your information, and what happens to your data if you leave the service or it goes out of business.","text3":"What is Bank of America doing to make third-party access to my info more secure?","text4":"We’re working with many third-party providers to implement a more secure way they can access Bank of America accounts without requiring the sharing of your login information with them. The third parties you see listed here are using our more secure data-sharing protocol, and you can revoke your consent for them to access your account information at any time. If you use a specific third-party service that you don’t see listed, we may be working with them to implement our more secure solution."},"panels":[{"label":"What is Bank of America doing to make third-party access to my info more secure?","content":"We've implemented a more secure way they can access Bank of America accounts without requiring the sharing of your login information with them. The third parties you see listed here are using our more secure data-sharing protocol, and you can revoke your consent for them to access your account information at any time. If you use a specific third-party service that you don't see listed, we may be working with them to implement our more secure solution."},{"label":"Is it safe to share my login information with third parties?","content":"When you share your login information with a third party, they have the same access to your information as you do. This means you usually can't choose how much information they can access. Furthermore, they store your login information, which could be compromised if they have a security breach. Even if you're not actively using the third-party service or you stop using it, they could continue to access your information."},{"label":"How do I benefit from third parties using Bank of America's secure data-sharing protocol?","content":"You enjoy greater security (the amount of data third parties can access is reduced, and the need for third parties to store and use your login credentials is eliminated), greater transparency (you gain insight into what specific data elements are being shared) and greater control (you can revoke your consent to any third party at any time)."},{"label":"How long will the third party listed have access to my account information?","content":"Once you've given an app or website permission to connect, they may access your chosen accounts until you revoke consent."},{"label":"Will they still have access to my account information if I revoke consent?","content":"Once you revoke consent from a third party listed, they'll no longer have access to your account information, but they'll still have the data you already shared. To request that they delete your account information, please contact the company directly."},{"label":"Why are two companies sometimes listed together as a third party?","content":"Service providers are used by many third parties as a way of collecting your account information. We provide both the name of the third party and the service provider it uses to collect your data in order to give you a better understanding of who you've authorized to receive your account info."},{"label":"How do I know if I am sharing my account information with a third party through Bank of America secured data sharing protocol?","content":"This page only lists third-party sites and apps that connect to Bank of America through our secure data-sharing protocol and to which you've given consent to share your account information."},{"label":"How do I manage my sharing preferences with a third party that is not listed?","content":"If you have shared your account information with a third party that is not listed, you'll need to work directly with the third party to manage your sharing preferences (IE - Ask the third party to stop collecting your information). If you want to stop all third-party access to your account info, you can change your Bank of America password."},{"label":"What happens if I choose to revoke consent to a third party? ","content":"If you revoke the consent you've given to a third party, that third party will no longer have ongoing access to your account information through the secure connection. Please be aware, though, that data you previously shared may still be retained and used by that third party."},{"label":"I accidentally revoked my consent. How do I reinstate it?","content":"If you revoked your consent to a third party and want to reinstate it, you'll need to do so via the specific site or app."},{"label":"How do I share my account information with a new third party?","content":"Start on the app or website and look for an option to add or link your bank accounts. They'll ask you to sign into your Bank of America account — make sure they redirect you to to authenticate and provide your consent to share your account information."}]},"footerTopSection":{"CLASS":"","title":"Legal disclosures and information","content":["
The Consumer Online and Mobile Banking Guarantee does not apply to Mobile Check Deposits or small business accounts. For Mobile Check Deposits, in the Mobile Banking app, select Get Help then Mobile Check Deposit for details. For liability rules applicable to small business, please see theOnline Banking Service Agreement and Deposit Agreement and Disclosures.
To be covered, report unauthorized transactions promptly. Consult your agreements for full details.
The material provided on this website is for informational use only and is not intended for financial, tax or investment advice. Bank of America and/or its affiliates, and Khan Academy, assume no liability for any loss or damage resulting from one’s reliance on the material provided. Please also note that such material is not updated regularly and that some of the information may not therefore be current. Consult with your own financial professional and tax advisor when making decisions regarding your financial situation.
Zelle and the Zelle related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.
"]},"AddSTXDevice":{"title":"Add a Secured Transfer number","closeADAtext":"Add a Secured Transfer number","subtitle":"This helps us verify it's really you when you make transfers.","content":{"AddSTXLabel":"U.S. mobile number","btnAdd":"Add Number","btnCancel":"Cancel"}},"AddSTXDeviceSuccess":{"title":"Success","btnDelete":"Delete"},"phoneGroup":{"inputs":{"phone1":{"label":{"text":"","adaText":"Enter only 10 digits."},"input":{"format":"phone","attrs":{"id":"primary-phone-number","name":"phone1","autocomplete":"off"}},"validationRules":{"change":{"phone":{"parameters":["us"]}}}}}},"jcr":"copy/site/secure-ah-security-center/module-specific/en/sign-in-settings.json"},"errorText":{"error":{"E0052":{"title":"We can't process your request.","message":"Enter an User ID with no spaces and using only the allowed special characters:@#*()+={}/?~;,.-_"},"E0036":{"title":"We can't process your request.","message":"Please create an User ID that doesn't contain your Social Security number, account number, card number, birthday or Password."},"E0035":{"title":"We can't process your request.","message":"Create a Password without spaces and using only these special characters: @#'()+={}/?;,.-_"},"E0053":{"title":"We need to verify your identity to further assist with your inquiry.","message":"Ineligible to enroll","type":"fatal"},"E0054":{"title":"We can't process your request.","message":"The User ID you requested is already taken. Please enter a different User ID."},"E0055":{"title":"You're already enrolled.","message":"Our records show you're already enrolled. Please use your User ID and Password to log in."},"E0000":{"title":"We can't process your request.","message":"User ID not unique","type":"fatal"},"INVALID_CARD_MATCH":{"title":"Incorrect Card details","message":"Please enter the correct information.","type":"fatal"},"INVALID_DEBIT_CARD":{"title":"Incorrect Card details","message":"Please enter the correct information.","type":"fatal"},"INVALID-SESSION":{"title":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later.","message":""},"INVALID_SESSION":{"title":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later.","message":""},"ERROR_STX_LOCKED":{"title":"","message":"We've locked your account to keep it safe.To unlock your account you can call customer service at 1.800.933.6262, Monday - Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. local time and Saturday - Sunday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time."},"INVALIDSESSION":{"title":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later.","message":""},"MTGENROLLSUCCESS":{"title":"You are enrolled for Mobile Token Generator.","message":""},"MTGUNENROLLSUCCESS":{"title":"You have unenrolled from Mobile Token Generator.","message":""},"DIENROLLSUCCESS":{"title":"Digital ID is successfully turned on.","message":"You can now use it to log in to Online Banking."},"DIUNENROLLSUCCESS":{"title":"You have unenrolled from Digital ID.","message":""},"MTGENROLLFAILED":{"title":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later.","message":""},"MTGUNENROLLFAILED":{"title":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later.","message":""},"DIENROLLFAILED":{"title":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later.","message":""},"DIUNENROLLFAILED":{"title":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later.","message":""},"CHANGEOIDSUCCESS":{"title":"Your User ID has been changed.","message":""},"CHANGEOIDFAILED":{"title":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later.","message":""},"CHANGEPASSCODESUCCESS":{"title":"You have successfully changed your Password","message":"Your Password has been changed.","type":"fatal"},"CHANGEPASSCODEFAILED":{"title":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later.","message":""},"REMOVESAVEDOIDSUCCESS":{"title":"","message":"Your saved User ID has been deleted."},"REMOVESAVEDOIDFAILED":{"title":"","message":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later."},"REMEMBERDEVICESUCCESS":{"title":"You have successfully changed your security preference","message":""},"REMEMBERDEVICEFAILED":{"title":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later.","message":""},"EXTRASECURITYATSIGNINSUCCESS":{"title":"You have successfully added extra security at login.","message":""},"CHALLENGEQUESTIONSSUCCESS":{"title":"You have successfully changed your challenge questions.","message":""},"EXTRASECENROLLSUCCESS":{"title":"You have successfully added extra security at login.","message":""},"CQCHANGESUCCESS":{"title":"You have successfully changed your challenge questions","message":""},"DEREGTURNOFFSUCCESS":{"title":"Security key is successfully turned off","message":""},"DEREGTURNOFFFAILED":{"title":"","message":"We’re sorry, but your security key has not been removed. Please try again later."},"U2FENROLLFAILED":{"title":"Your security key registration was not successful","message":"
- Make sure your key is FIDO-1 or FIDO-2 certified and is a physical/removable key (passkeys are not supported at this time). - Tap the button on your key when you see the prompt to avoid timing out. - Verify your key is functioning correctly by using it on other security-enabled websites - Use one of these supported browsers: Chrome, Safari, Edge, or Firefox
"},"U2FENROLLSUCCESS":{"title":"","message":"You have successfully registered this USB security key."},"U2FUNSUPPORTEDBROWSERFAILED":{"title":"Update or download browser","message":"To use the security key feature, update or install the latest version of your internet browser. Please note that the security key feature does not work with Internet Explorer."},"U2FLOCKED":{"title":"Authorization attempts locked.","message":"You’ve exceeded the number of attempts to complete authorization. Please call customer service at 1.800.933.6262."},"SAVEDKEYSEDITFAILED":{"title":"","message":"Something went wrong. Your key was not edited. Please try again."},"SAVEDKEYSEDITSUCCESS":{"title":"","message":"You updated this name."},"SAVEDKEYSDELETEFAILED":{"title":"","message":"Something went wrong. Your key was not deleted. Please try again."},"SAVEDKEYSGETFAILED":{"title":"","message":"Something went wrong. Please try again."},"SAVEDKEYSEDELETESUCCESS":{"title":"","message":"You deleted this device."},"WINDOWSHELLOTURNONSUCCESS":{"title":"","message":"Windows Hello is on."},"WINDOWSHELLOTURNONFAILED":{"title":"","message":"We encountered an unknown issue. Please check your Windows Hello log in settings, then try again."},"WINDOWSHELLOTURNONDECLINE":{"title":"","message":"Windows Hello is not on"},"WINDOWSHELLODEREGSUCCESS":{"title":"","message":"Windows Hello is off"},"WINDOWSHELLODEREGFAILED":{"title":"","message":"Windows Hello was already activated on this device using a different User ID. To turn on Windows Hello using this current User ID, you must first log in with the other ID and turn off Windows Hello."},"WINDOWSHELLOOIDATTEMPTFAILED":{"title":"","message":"This device is already registered to another User ID."},"CHECKSECURITYBROWSERDECLINED":{"title":"Your browser doesn't meet our security requirements.","message1":"We see you're accessing our site using ","message2":", which does not meet our browser and operating system requirements. Be sure to update your browser as soon as possible."},"REMOVESTXDEVICESUCCESS":{"title":"","message":"You deleted this number."},"REMOVESTXDEVICESFAILURE":{"title":"","message":"Deletion failed."},"ADDSTXSUCCESS":{"title":"","message":"Your Secured Transfer number has been added."},"ADDSTXFAILURE":{"title":"","message":"Secured Transfer number is not added."},"MISSING_REQUIRED_INFO":{"title":"","message":"Please enter required information."},"GENERAL_ERROR":{"title":"","message":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later."},"system_error":{"title":"","message":"We're sorry, but we can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later."},"E40403":{"title":"","message":"We're sorry, but we're currently unable to complete your request. Please try again later."},"E40500":{"title":"","message":"We're sorry, but we're currently unable to complete your request. Please try again later."},"E40600":{"title":"","message":"We're sorry, but we're currently unable to complete your request. Please try again later."},"E40601":{"title":"","message":"We're sorry, but we're currently unable to complete your request. Please try again later."},"E40602":{"title":"","message":"We're sorry, but we're currently unable to complete your request. Please try again later."},"E40603":{"title":"We can't process your request","message":"Please create a new User ID that's different from your last User ID."},"E40604":{"title":"We can't process your request","message":"Please create an User ID that's different from your Password."},"E40605":{"title":"We can't process your request","message":"Please create an User ID that doesn't contain your Social Security number, account number, card number, birthday or Password."},"E40606":{"title":"We can't process your request","message":"The User ID you requested is already taken. Please enter a different User ID"},"E40607":{"title":"We can't process your request","message":"Please create an User ID that does not contain all numbers."},"E40608":{"title":"We can't process your request","message":"Your User ID cannot contain the language you selected. Please try again."},"E40609":{"title":"We can't process your request","message":"Please create an User ID between 6-32 characters in length."},"E40400":{"title":"","message":"We're sorry, but we're currently unable to complete your request. Please try again later."},"E40700":{"title":"","message":"We're sorry, but we're currently unable to complete your request. Please try again later."},"E40701":{"title":"We can't process your request","message":"Create a Password without spaces and using only these special characters: @#'()+={}/?;,.-_"},"E40702":{"title":"We're sorry, your information can't be processed: ","message":"You've exceeded the maximum number of attempts allowed by our system. Please reset your Password, or call 1.800.933.6262 for assistance, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. local time, and Saturday through Sunday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time."},"E40703":{"title":"We can't process your request: ","message":"Your Password must be different from your previous 5 Passwords."},"E40704":{"title":"We can't process your request: ","message":"There was a problem with your submission. Please re-enter your information, making sure that your current Password is entered correctly and your new Password is different from your old Password. You also need to make sure your new Password follows the security conditions noted below."},"E40705":{"title":"We can't process your request","message":"Please create an Password between 8-20 characters in length."},"E40706":{"title":"","message":"Please enter a new Password to continue."},"E40707":{"title":"We're sorry, your information can't be processed: ","message":"You've exceeded the maximum number of attempts allowed by our system Please try again later."},"E40708":{"title":"We can't process your request:","message":"Your Password must be different from your User ID."},"E22123":{"title":"Unable to validate your information","message":"Please call us at 866.376.4584."},"CMXMISSINGFIELD":{"title":"","message":"One or more mandatory parameters missing."},"DAO_ERROR":{"title":"","message":"Exception got from DAO while processing of the Service."},"INVALID_STX_CONTACT":{"title":"Invalid mobile number","message":"You have already registered this mobile number. Please try again with a different number."}},"jcr":"copy/site/secure-ah-security-center/module-specific/en/sign-in-settings-create-id-passcode-error-data.json"},"apiEndPoints":{"validateAuthCode":"/login/rest/sas/sparta/sm/authCode/v3/validateCode","processSecurityCheckUrl":"/login/rest/sas/sparta/sm/v1/processSecurityCheck","stepUpUrl":"/login/rest/sas/sparta/sm/v2/initiateStepUp","retrieveMTGDevice":"/login/rest/sas/sparta/sm/v1/retrieveMTGDeviceList","stxMaintainance":"/login/rest/sas/sparta/sm/stxMaintenance","mainSecurityCenterUrl":"/auth/security-center/main/","iac":"/login/rest/sas/sparta/v2/iac","uiLoggerUrl":"/sparta/client/helper/client-assets/","captureJsStatus":"/login/rest/sas/sparta/v1/captureJsStatus"},"endpoints":{"validateAuthCode":"/login/rest/sas/sparta/sm/authCode/v3/validateCode","processSecurityCheckUrl":"/login/rest/sas/sparta/sm/v1/processSecurityCheck","stepUpUrl":"/login/rest/sas/sparta/sm/v2/initiateStepUp","retrieveMTGDevice":"/login/rest/sas/sparta/sm/v1/retrieveMTGDeviceList"}}' data-init="AhSignInSettingsAdditionalSecurityFeaturesModule" data-module-parameters='{"color":"blue"}' class="ah-sign-in-settings-additional-security-features-module-class-v-2-1-1 ah-sign-in-settings-additional-security-features-module spa-module-init">
Whenever extra protection is needed, we’ll help keep your digital banking secure.
Secured Transfer
If you’re transferring more than your daily limit, we require Secured Transfer to send the money. You’ll need a U.S. mobile number and debit card to confirm your identity.
If you want to add additional security for logging in or transferring money, and you don't have a U.S. mobile number or an active debit card, you can register a USB device to verify it's you.
USB – Extra security for higher-value transfers
A USB security key plugs into your computer’s USB port and functions as an extra layer of security to increase limits for certain transfer types. They’re an alternative to SMS-based one-time security codes if you don’t have access to a U.S. mobile phone number or can’t receive texts to your phone.
How to purchase
You can buy USB security keys at many trusted tech retailers and they typically cost $18-$50. Make sure the key you choose is FIDO-certified.
How to make transfers
When prompted for your USB security key, tap the button on the key already inserted into your USB port, allow the browser to read your device, and continue with your transfer.
Once your key is set up, it serves as an extra layer of security for adding transfer recipients to your account and for extra security at login.
Mobile Token
Keep your online accounts more secure with a 6-digit token to use in the Mobile Banking app. Because it’s sent to your registered device, it’s another way to verify it’s really you. Learn more about Mobile Tokens.
Register your security key
Using a USB security key as part of your login process increases your online security.
Plug your security key into your computer's USB port.
If you have trouble completing your registration, refer to the instructions provided with your key.
Security keys vary by manufacturer. We recommend FIDO® certified keys. Refer to your key's instructions if you have trouble completing registration.
Security keys not used for six months will be removed from our system. All security keys must be renewed every three years or they will be deleted from our system.
Turning Off Security Keys
Do you want to turn off your security keys? Turning off will delete all the saved keys.
USB Security Keys
You may save up to 2 security keys. To change the name of the key, select the device name.
Device Info
Are you sure you want to delete
USB Security Key Name
If you do, you will no longer have any security key protection on your account.
Yes, delete
Don't delete
Enter alphanumeric values only
USB Security Keys
Update security key name
You're deleting this USB Security Key
The data is taking some time to load.
Confirm your identity
To verify it's you, enter your debit card info.
[[#if diUpdate]]
Update device
Turn on Digital ID for extra security when logging in to Online Banking. We’ll send a notification to your mobile app, to verify it’s really you.
Check your mobile device
We sent a notification to your selected device. Verify your identity in the app now to confirm your Digital ID enrollment.
Enable Mobile tokens
Log into your mobile device now. You'll see a screen that asks you to confirm you want to register that device to use Mobile Tokens.
Whenever extra security is needed, you'll receive the 6-digit Mobile Token in the Mobile Banking app. Because it's sent to your registered device, it's an additional way of verifying it's really you - helping to keep your online accounts even more secure.
Activate Digital ID
Activate Digital ID
Turn on Digital ID for extra security when logging in to Online Banking. We’ll send a notification to your mobile app, to verify it’s really you.
Digital ID activated
You’re ready to start using Digital ID. Here are a few tips to help you get started
Be sure to save your User ID. If you haven’t already, you can do this the next time you log in.
After you save your User ID, you will see a Log In with mobile app button you can select to quickly and securely log in using Digital ID.
Turn off Digital ID
Are you sure you want to turn off Digital ID?
Devices with mobile tokens enabled
Add a Secured Transfer number
This helps us verify it's really you when you make transfers.